Moto X is the best Android Smartphone
X is the best Android Smartphone. It may not be best looking smartphone,
compared with others like the Samsung S3/4, but it has the same features every
other smartphone has and more. The most distinguishing
feature is its battery strength. The Moto X can get you through one to two days
of thorough use.
uniqueness of the Moto X are the little differences that may not be obvious to
a window shopper, but an owner of the Moto X will quickly testify to its curved
back that makes the smartphone fit into the owner’s hand, with a little dimple
on the back to make sure the smartphone doesn’t wobble when placed on a flat
surface. The notification screen
shows you new emails, calls and texts without turning the whole screen on and
without unlocking the phone.
The most amazing thing about the Moto X: It has
a 4.7-inch screen, but it feels like you're holding a phone with a much smaller
one. Motorola was nearly able to eliminate the side bezels entirely, while
making the top and bottom of the phone as compact as humanly possible. It's
arguably the most perfectly sized phone, striking a balance between screen
size, pocket-ability, and one-handed usability. By comparison, the screen on
the HTC One has the same
dimensions, but the phone looks and feels noticeably larger.
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